i recently read 2 blogs about dreadlocks:
*one said that white people shouldn't wear them
*the other said that a large percentage of women would prefer to see Jason Castro without the dreads
the 2nd was something i found to be extremely racist and obnoxious.
i decided to blog about Jason Castro, because he is living proof that white people CAN wear dreadlocks, as well as making them look good.
many people frown upon dreadlocks because to them it mean someone's hair is "dirty"
well, if you know anything about dreadlocks you would know that they can be washed on a regular basis shortly after they are obtained.
because i find Jason Castro so attractive myself, i decided to take a poll to find out if girls preferred him with or without his dreads.
i asked 121 girls.
80 of them found him very very attriactive. haha
76 of the 80 liked him with his dreads.
completely true!!!!!!! 100%
after discussing this with some of the girls we came to the comclusion that jason's dreads add unique character that gives him a glorious refined fresh look. everything about him seems relaxed and down to earth.
yes i am a jason fan.
leave your thoughts on the subject.
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